A “Collection” is a virtual stamp album. The collection is normally identified by a name entered in the Ethereum Name System (ENS). Scan the mnemonic QR code (“[3]” on Crypto stamp 1.0, “[2]” on Crypto stamp 2.0) to enable Crypto stamps to be added to the collection. When a digital Crypto stamp 2.0 is purchased from the onchain store or exchanged for a presale token, the stamp is transferred directly into a dedicated collection. Other ways for stamps to land in your collection include Blockchain tools or trading with other collectors. From here they can be transferred to other collections and/or owners. The collection is marked as belonging to the owner of the Crypto stamps contained within but it also has an owner that corresponds to the stamp collector. This is what makes it possible for the entire collection to be transferred or sold to a different owner. In technical terms, the collection – just like the Crypto stamps – is presented as an ERC721 token although it simultaneously has an Ethereum address as well to facilitate the ownership of Crypto stamps.
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